Friday 8 April 2011

St John's-Renfield Charity Fair

This year's Charity Fair will be on Saturday 7th May from 10 am till 12 noon.
St John's-Renfield Church, Beaconsfield Road, Kelvindale.

Many charities including the following are supported:

Bangladesh Rehab Centre; Olive Tree; Chest, Heart and Stroke, Scotland; Peru Craft; Children's Hospice Association; Projects India; Christian Aid; Save The Children; Lodging House Mission; Tear Fund; Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture and Project Malawi

Adults £1, Children 50p (Inc coffee, etc)


Unknown said...

Slightly confused, is the West End spreading further East?

Roy said...

Oops, I need a brain transplant! Error noted and corrected. Must do better next time....